Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday Favourites - Facebook and a Competition

Has facebook taken over our lives or what? A few years ago if someone had said to me I'd have a social media page that I check constantly - all day long - with little notes from my friends on it, I would have laughed.. Yeah right!

As it is, I have several pages that I look after (as Admin) as well as my personal page. I've even got my mum to set up a FB account!!

Have you read any books that mention facebook yet? I'm sure the books will be coming before long. As an author it is definitely something that you can't not think about, as everyone seems to be on facebook these days.

Some of the pages out there are amazing. Others I find overwhelming with constant posts that clog up my feed. In saying that, I think these pages are a powerful marketing tool and I really enjoy using them.

Do you have a favourite Facebook Page? What do you like about it?

Today Melissa and I are thrilled to announce the Facebook page for our new book series about Mica and Lexy!! To celebrate the announcement of our new page we are running a little competition over the weekend: When we get to 30 likes we will randomly select a LIKER to win something from our prize box. Then another prize when we get 40 likes and so on, every 10 likes until we run out of prizes. This is an international competition so everyone is welcome to play!

Our prize box contains: ARC (advanced release copies) of our ebook Forbidden Territory, Melissa Pearl's Time Spirit Trilogy (one copy of each ebook) and bone carving necklaces like the ones Mica and Lexy wear in the book.

We will be using our FB page to let you know about book releases, new books that we are writing and other writing bits and pieces here and there. Spread the word, the more the merrier!

Here it is:
Good luck!!!


  1. Yay! I love these two girls and I'm so excited we have a page for them now too. So excited!!!

    Have fun playing everyone. It's going to be a fun weekend :)

  2. I stay away from Facebook, but I can imagine it is a good social media tool for a writer :)
